Do you have a regain home network, when using Wi-Fi?
In other words, can your wireless network way the internet without having to worry about hackers, viruses and wireless signal thieves? Having a regain home network requires more attempt and study than plainly buying a wireless router(s), connecting it, logging onto the internet and surfing while praying no one ever hacks you! What many users fail to comprehend when setting up a home network, is that when you buy a router and setup a password, by default your network is Not secure.
When you internet assistance provider (Verizon, At&T etc ) sends you a broadband modem that allows you to join together other computers to the internet wirelessly (Wi-Fi), chances are you aren't regain unless person installed your internet modem and setup the safety "features."

In the new "Social Networking" age, it is leading to be known of the internet threats that are lurking, and how to protect your personal information and data from thieves by setting up a regain home network. Did you know there are tools and software that exist, which allows a person to quest for your wireless home network, join together to it, "crack" your encryption key (password), and Steal whatever they want from your computer (including prestige card numbers, financial records, passwords, pictures, other sensitive info etc)!!!
Let's take a look at how you can generate a regain home network, and feel inevitable - "safely" browsing the internet.
1.) In your broadband (wireless) modem or wireless router, change the default name and password used to way the router's admin panel (used to change any settings of the router/modem).
Hint: The default name is regularly set to "admin," and the password is given in documentation (or a disk) by the maker of the equipment
2.) all the time use encryption (password/key), for a truly regain home network.
Wep (Wireless Encryption Protocol) and Wpa (Wi-Fi Protected Access), are the two most tasteless types, with Wpa being harder to "crack" than Wep; therefore development Wpa a best choice for security.
Also, it is all the time best to generate a totally new and different password (key)
Hint: An example of a strong password is: "1mypasswordx90544z" or how about: "tektime1$@%%p0rt." These passwords are harder to guess using password cracking software. (Do not generate "easy to remember" passwords, such as passwords that are made up of your name, your kids' name(s), your birth date, your road name; etc.)
3.) Turn off your wireless router or broadband modem when you aren't accessing your network.
For example, when you are going to bed or when you aren't home, it is best to disable your internet to added act as a barricade of safety for a regain home network. How can intruders, Trojans etc cause damage to your computer or internet relationship when it isn't transmitting a signal? You're right...they can't!
4.) Disable assistance Set Identifier Broadcast on your modem/router.
Otherwise known as "Ssid" this is the identification name given to the device by its manufacturer. For example, routers made by D-Link will have "Dlink"as the Ssid, while routers made by Netgear will have "Netgear" as the Ssid. Turning off your Ssid prevents your wireless home network from being displayed in the list of "available networks", when person is scanning the area for wireless networks to join together to.
5.) change your Ssid name.
As well as disabling your router's Ssid, it is leading to change your Ssid name, even though it is no longer being displayed thanks to the last step in which we disabled it. Changing your Ssid name will not generate a regain home network alone, it prevents hackers and snoopers from instantly figuring out what router you are using. By knowing what router is being used, a hacker or thief is more ready to cause havoc on your home network, especially if you are using the same log in, password and default administration information, as the maker created.
6.) A regain home network all the time use a firewall!
Many firewalls that come built into routers (hardware firewalls) can cause discrete problems when accessing the internet. It is best for beginners and novices to use a software solution, until learning the ins and outs of hardware firewalls, and their limitations.
Firewalls are created to preclude software (such as Trojans) from connecting to the internet without your authorization, thus preventing Unwanted sharing of your data, personal, financial and other confidential information. Firewalls also preclude those outside of your home network, from accessing it without your authorization.
Hint: A highly regarded software firewall solution, is Comodo Internet Security. Feel free to look it up in your favorite quest engine. It is totally free (the basic version), highly effective, and easy to use (after a petite learning curve). I advise it to all of my clients, and I am not getting paid by Comodo to endorse them. It is just an perfect program, try it for yourself!
7.) Lower the range of your wireless signal.
A regain home network does not send an internet signal outside of the vicinity of the users' home. Why should you lower the range of your wireless signal?
Imagine yourself buying the "biggest and baddest" wireless router that you can find, from your neighborhood store; boasting a range of 1 mile! Wow, that's a high can use it in any place in your home that you choose without any signal loss at all! While that may be true, the truth is that you only need a signal range that allows the signal to send in your home, and not necessarily outside.
This will preclude internet relationship thieves (and hackers) from being able to receive the radio waves from your router or modem, so connecting to your signal would be virtually impossible even by the most experienced hacker!
Hint: One way to lower your signal range, is to switch to 802.11 g, from 802.11 n, or even to 802.11 b. Consult with the documentation included with your router by the manufacturer, for exact information.
Hopefully these tips will help you to generate and profess a regain home network, and you won't have to face the nightmares that so many citizen contact who fail to regain their wireless network!
Always remember that an ounce of arresting is worth a pound of cure!
Until next time,
Happy Computing!
Jarvis Edwards - TekTime It Consulting & Computer Repair
7 Quick And Easy Tips On Creating A collect Home Network!